Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Post a Get Well Wish Here

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Melann said...

Hi Matt,
Sorry to hear about your accident, but sounds like you are on the mend. Congratulations on your new arrival. Sending you thoughts on a speedy recovery.
Melody Newcombe

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to you and your family. I saw Charlotte in the paper this AM and she is beautiful. Best wishes with your recovery and sorry about your accident. See you soon. - George & Mari Hood

Anonymous said...


It saddens me to hear of your accident. You have such a strong spirit; I know you will recover quickly. All my best to your family and new baby; the atoms of Life can be so unpredictable...

Best Wishes,

Marisol Hood

Anonymous said...

Hi Matt,
Glad to hear you are on the mend and that you could be there for you daughter's birth. Claire and I remain so grateful for all the care you extended when she was injured. Now it is your turn to be cared for.

Anonymous said...

Get Well Matt!
I just learned of your accident when I opened the Sentinel this morning. I'm breathing a sigh of relief for you and hope you return to Charlie and the gang soon where I am sure you are sorely missed! Beautiful family you have--3 kids now, wow! My heartfelt wishes for your speedy recovery. You are such a talented therapist.
Celeste Guerrero (your former coworker!)

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad to hear that your recovery is going well! That is amazing that you were able to make it for Sara and Charlotte!! All the children were thinking of you at TLC!! We can't wait for you to come back and play ball with the kids. -Roxy(TLC)

Benoit Pelczar said...


After giving healing advice to so many people, you are meant to benefit from your own knowledge. I wish you a prompt and complete recovery and will be thinking about you.
Congratulations for the birth of beautiful Charlotte!

Benoit Pelczar

Anonymous said...

Matt, I'm glad to hear you are doing well. It makes me happy to see all the support you are getting and to know that I work with such a great individual. Wishing you and your family the Best!

Arsenio Tovar

Anonymous said...

Hi Matt!

I remember once at track hurting my groin and you carried me off the field....haha. Anyways, get well soon...I know you will because you are so strong. I'm in my second year of DPT school, so if you want some therapy.....haha. Anyways, congrats on the three kids and my you have take this time to get well and be with your family.

Katy House

Anonymous said...

Hi Matt: I've been thinking about you each day and was relieved to see your story in the Sentinel accompanyed by the precious picture of you with Charlotte. How nice you could be released and make it for her arrival into the World. I wish you well on your recovery. You exhibit great strength!

Rick Ferrell

Anonymous said...

Hey Matt, Did you do this on purpose JUST so you could race next years Hawaii Ironman Triathlon in the physically challenged division? Or was it just an excuse to hang with the kids at home for six months? Good luck with the recovery. Bennett, Drottar and I are offering to help out on the rehab. Training starts this Friday down at 99 Bottles. We'll begin with the 1--arm curls at 5:30pm --Kevin

Anonymous said...

Hi Matt,
What strength you have!!!!! Enjoy the time with your newest daughter Charlotte, your other 2 children and Sara - take time to relax and heal. (remember all the advice you have given countless others in the past)
Thank you for all you have done for our community -
David, Michele, Dj & Alex Wright

Anonymous said...

I'm so shocked at this news. Our other little runner buddy from SLV, Jerry MacCallister has also suffered a severe spinal injury. His C2, C3 and C4 have been compromised and he is paralyzed from the shoulders down. (please visit his blog at www.followingjerry.blogpot.com)
I want to let you and your beatiful family know that the Luboff family is praying for a full recovery and we know that you will be up and running soon.
Go Cougars and the Pirates too!
P.S. Luke is devestated by your injury and said he'd be happy to help you get back on your feet like you helped him. He'll be looking for you when he gets back from Cal Poly over Spring Break.
Lots of love coming your way,

Anonymous said...


I don't know you, but have 2 kids at Harbor, and heard what happened. I own Baby Bloomers, and have posted the blog on how to donate for getting Doula help, for my customers to see. I also wanted to extend a $20 Gift Certificate for you to use in the store for your new addition. It's at the store, and you can use it whenever you wish.

Hope your recovery is speedy, and congratulations on your newest addition.


Lorelei Smith
Mom of:
Andrew Smith - Senior
Sammy Smith - Freshman

Anonymous said...

When I was a volleyball player at Harbor 10+ years ago, you helped me recover from various knee injuries and got me back on the court. I completed my Doctorate of Physical Therapy nearly 3 years ago, and my focus is neuro rehab. I'm happy to hear that you are healing well and exceeding expectations. All the best to you-wishing you well so that you can continue to be an integral, positive part of the Santa Cruz community.
-Amanda Forster

Opa said...

Hi Matt,
It's been 10 years since you helped me complete my first marathon. I'll be doing Hawaii this year. We moved to Montgomery, AL 2 years ago, but I read the Sentinel each day on the Internet. Congratulations on your marriage and fatherhood, and surviving the accident. I know you'll come out of this somehow new and improved.
Howard Frankl

Anonymous said...

Dear Matt,

I heard about your injury while in Florida. I am glad you are recovering well and hope all goes well with you. Congratulations on the birth of your daughter. A few months ago, you helped me with an injury and got me to recovery. Recently, I ran and did well in a half marathon race in Florida. Thanks so much for all your help and speedy recovery. My thoughts and prayers go out to you.


Anonymous said...

Hi Matt, Sara, and kids!

I am so happy to hear that your recovery is going so well at this early point after such a traumatic and threatening accident. You are a good man, a great PT, and a top notch coach...but I'm wondering about your bodyboarding skills ;)

I sent an email to your work address last week and hope you get a chance to read it.

Congratulations on the birth of your new daughter. I look forward to seeing you soon.

Larry H

Anonymous said...

Hi Matt,

I was so sorry to hear of your accident. I saw the latest article in the paper yesterday, and am so glad you got to be there for the birth of your daughter! I underwent ORIF surgery 8 weeks ago to repair a fractured collarbone, and got sent home to Santa Cruz (from New Jersey) to heal, and was hoping I might get to do my PT with you.

Thank you so much for all your wonderful inspiration when I was on the track and XC teams at Harbor many years ago, and I know you are strong enough to make a full recovery from this accident.

Former HHS track and XC runner,
Hannah Finder

Anonymous said...

Matt, we were so surprised when we first heard of your accident. I never thought an accident like this could ever happen to a guy like you. But what didn't surprise us is how quickly you recovered enough to see your daughter being born. We're so happy you were there to see Charlotte's first moments. Congratulations to you and your family and we wish you a speedy recovery. Thank you for all of your help with me and Ricki over the years with Harbor. You are a great coach and friend. Hope to see you soon.

Dan, Ricki and Max Sullivan

Anonymous said...


Take care of yourself the way you have taken care of so many of us. Congratulations on your growing family. Wishing you all the best in your speedy and strong recovery!

Regards, Matt Nitzberg

Anonymous said...


Bro...wha'happened??!! I'm so sorry to hear about your accident but so stoked to hear that you're healing. I have no doubt you'll be out and about, kickin' ass and takin' names in no time. I'll drop you a line to check in soon.

All my love and best to you and your family!


Anonymous said...

get well soon matt. we miss you at the brewery. congrats on your new arrival can't wait to meet her.rest up and take care of yourself.
from caroline and all at the brew

Anonymous said...

Hey Matt,

Our thoughts are with you.... Just so glad you are on the road to recovery... I have forwarded the info to some of your CATA and NATA friends..... Especially the golfers :)....
Congrats on your beautiful little girl. What a great addition to an already fantastic family.... must be those canadian roots.
We'll be in touch.

Is, Dave and the boys (Zachary and Brendan)

Anonymous said...


I was checking my email this evening when I received notice from my father of your accident. I read the article in the Sentinel and was simultaneously saddened to hear of your injury and relatively relieved to hear of what sounds like a recovery in progress and the healthy birth of your daughter.

The effects of the encouragement and help that you gave me when I ran for you on the Harbor track team were profound, and although there's no way you could have known, have stuck with me during my running career in college and beyond. You still come to mind from time to time and I'm reminded of your level-headedness as a coach, your encouragement, and the laughs that the girls' team had at your expense over your choice to match spandex with incredibly hairy legs.

Thank you for all that you've given our community and all that you gave to me.

Ben Bishop

Anonymous said...

Matt, I am glad that you are recovery well to be with your family. May the birth of your daughter give you strength to continue with your speedy recovery. Sunny days in winter will continue for you.


Anonymous said...

Matt—Looks like you are well-loved and supported. You know we love you too! Don't you dare hesitate to call if you and Sara need anything...Growlers, bodyworks, laughs, etc. We're there...

Thinking of you, xoxoHillary

Brenda said...

Matt - I was in shocked to hear the news of your accident. John and I wish you the very best in your recovery. You are missed a lot at Seascape Golf Club. Congratulations to you and Sara. Charlotte is soooo beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Hi Matt! We are both so sorry to hear about your accident. We hope you are having a speedy recovery from your surgery and you are enjoying time with your new addition to the family. You have always done so much for us so let us know if there is anything we can do for you.

Take care,
Lauren and Lindsay

Taradharma said...

Hi Matt, you worked miracles on my knee in PT just about the time you bought your house and were having your first baby. You were fun, but oh so tough, and I owe my leg's mobility in great part to you.

Congratulations on the birth of your newest child, and best wishes for a steady recovery. You, of all people, know what it takes to walk that path.

xxoo Tara Crowley

Anonymous said...

How one's life changes in a second. We've had a couple of near scrapes and fortunately been able to adjust to the results.
It's almost a miracle that you are alive. But so you are, and with your indomitable spirit (the Scot's heritage??) I'm confident you will make the most progress possible, live your and your family's life to the fullest, and retain your positive outlook and high energy.
Best Wishes
Milt & Nancy

Tony said...

Matt -
Sending you well wishes for continued improvement and a strong recovery. As a dad of three boys, I can relate to the fullness of your life too, and how special it is to have a newborn in the home. You are in our thoughts. Tony Sloss

Anonymous said...

We have been praying for you...you are an amazing man and very much loved! You take care of everyone and now it's time for the community to take care of you! We love you!

Janet, Dennis and Chelsea Godfrey

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